I wrote "Enuresis: older children, adolescents and teenagers should be required to wear diapers" on the central Web site Health Network. One of the readers the feeling that children should not be forced to wear diapers for bedwetting, and this article is a response to these comments. I know what I said is very controversial and goes against the grain of thought of many people (both professional and non-professional) on this topic. The point of my originalsocial message was to get people to look at this issue in a new light.
I can definitely see the vision guests but some things he said in his reply that just proved my point. One of them has seen both feet on the nose "Children have difficulty", "to understand the consequences of their decisions. They also tend to a rather 'distorted priorities" and "Where parents are in is the fact that because they are old, often can have a realistic view ofthe "big picture".
The general picture, as I (and I think most people) is seen to be capable of wetting the bed in a way that makes the young person is comfortable and helps them manage to maintain hygiene. If a teenager does not wear protective clothing and sets all night in wet sheets of urine, or wearing a product that is so that losses can help with hygiene, or so they feel comfortable?
I think that a young person, require a kind of wearing diapers to bed as the most strikingPenalties mainly due to the fact that evoke the image of diapers, a baby. Because of the negative image of diapers, people associate an older child, teenager or adolescent need to wear diapers to bed when something so humiliating and punitive. The people are very oriented to the symbol flags, national anthems, art, medals and clothing are just some of the symbols that give certain meanings and values. For many people, a diaper is a symbol to a symbol for a child. But weremember that the meaning and value we provide is a symbol, not intrinsic, we are there to give meaning and value. There really is nothing child-only diapers are folded absorbent material between the legs and then secured around the waist of an individual to manage incontinence. It would be of great help when dictionaries define a diaper in this way, instead of a garment to be worn with the children. By failing to recognize that people and incontinentBedwetting diapers, must also show the people have implicit assumptions about the diapers, which in turn perpetuates the image of diapers too childish. If I were responsible for writing the entry for diapers in the dictionary, defining it this way: "An folded towels and clothing between the legs of an individual then develops around the life for people with enuresis, incontinence protect fixed, and as a basic garment for children before they are pottytrained. "
In my opinion, is the attitude of the parent company. If the parents put the child, adolescent or teenager in diapers to humiliate or degrade is wrong. However, if the parents diapers as a means of dealing with bedwetting, then this is acceptable in my opinion.
Another thing, my guest said that the comparison of wearing a cast, and wears a diaper is "comparing apples to oranges." He said: "A child is not necessarily sick or haveadverse consequence of not wearing protection for wetting the bed, provided that hygiene is maintained, "but" not to wear protection for bed-wetting can "have a negative effect on health. frequent exposure of urine can cause skin damage, ulceration and infection.
I read that the urine pH between 6.0 and 6.5 is normal, while the pH of the urine of incontinent people is between 8.0 and 9.0, which means that there is more alkaline. This in turn may irritate the skin. I quote an article, "ProlongedExposure to Urine is known chemically irritate the skin and impairs its function. Although the use of certain types of diapers can also cause skin problems, these problems can be minimized or checking the appropriate skin care products such as creams and lotions are eliminated. No more diapers, just exposed areas of skin in order to avoid adverse impacts.
I repeat the following point I think that parents should be understood in relation to the bear with the boysDiapers. This is why I suggested the implementation of the reward system to encourage them to try the diapers and plastic pants. It 'important to use this system for at least 6 months to use some young people may need a year. And 'I am convinced that the older children, adolescents or adolescents to be motivated to wear it because of the rewards. Encouraging the use of a reward system that wear diapers to bed diapers are associated with something pleasant to get a reward. After an appropriatePeriod is likely to be as comfortable waking up in a dry bed, it will need more fruits and diapers and plastic pants to wear to bed on their own initiative.
One of the most important to tackle an illness, both mental and physical in the sense that a measure is to control it. Once this sense of control increases a person's self-esteem. Manage this is a recurring theme in discussions and debates on the use of diapers for wetting the bed for the elderlyChildren, adolescents and teenagers. Touch on this topic often in my posts and thought I'd touch it more than today.
The prevailing view among most people, whether medical or not, that the elderly, children, adolescents, and young people should be autonomous in their decisions about what kind of protection to wear to bed can be granted. The reasoning behind this is that by forcing them to wear diapers to bed you can feel that they are childish. Independence is veryimportant as children grow, but in this context, the main question is this: if the child, adolescent or adolescent chooses a product that does not offer sufficient protection, or decides to wear any protection to all parents, the judge that the most to wear the appropriate form of protection for winning the boy needs to go to bed independence? I personally think it should be, but everyone is different.
In terms of self-esteem is one of the problems that I have not seen it yet, this includes: a largePart of self-esteem is a sense of control over circumstances. To verify this, we must make decisions about the best course of action to follow, given our particular situation, and because the circumstances are always different people make different choices. The way we make these decisions is evaluating all available options and select the best of all alternatives. In some cases this may not be as pleasant, but over time it learns. Customize adults do this all the time and ability to do so in youth must be taught early.
Since this coincides with bedwetting and diapers to manage in the following way: by not wearing the most effective protection (or not to wear protection at all) that are proving that they do not act in a responsible way, for me is childish. I would tell them that to a certain extent, is childish, no diapers to bed. Iwould also say that part of being an adult is to choose the best way to be a problem is not necessarily pleasant to handle. Most adults are not willing to wear diapers, but they understood that it is in their interest to do so, and although it may take considerable time and effort to make this setting, in the end most are able to get used to wearing diapers.
The quality of being responsible and choosing the best approach given the circumstancesare some of the hallmarks of being an adult. Also, bring a personal touch to the situation under control, thereby improving the individual's self-esteem.
As the night lying in wet clothes and bedding and wearing a diaper that losses in the situation under control? On the contrary, lying all night in wet clothes, remember the person who is not under control. People like mentioned above have different levels of incontinence. In addition to incontinence may resultsleep in different ways, some different people to have problems with side and side leakage, wet some people more than others during the night, etc. Because of these differences, certain types of people and brands of diapers do not require otherwise would have produced such a variety of products . The most effective type of diapers to bed if male and diaper pants plastic tape for consumables or products of other brands that you feel more in control and helps people feelmore confidence. This in turn improves', enuresis self-esteem.
I wanted to make clear my position on this issue. I had the impression that some people think I'm some kind of ogre because of my position on this issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. I look forward to comments on this or any other of my posts. It 'good to have constructive dialogue on this issue. Many people have misconceptions about this issue and I hope that my contributioncould certainly some of their basic ideas to think about this. We as a society to overcome many of our prejudices and have matured, many issues are involved. For example, there is less stigma of mental illness and other diseases. We hope that in time there are less of a stigma with bedwetting diapers for older children, adolescents, youths and adults to manage.